Newborn Sleep

Get your newborn sleeping from the start!

This ebook is everything you will need to start establishing healthy sleep foundations from the start. Learn all about baby sleep and how to start getting your newborn sleeping from the start. 

sound familiar?

Maybe you are currently rocking your newborn to sleep because they wont sleep anywhere else

I understand how tough that may be for you. Newborn sleep can be extremely difficult to navigate. Between figuring out their wake windows, their sleepy cues, feeding cues and everything in between it can be a very challenging time for new parents.

Sleep is essential for all of us. A newborn spends most of their days sleeping because that is how they grow and develop. Did you know a newborn should sleep anywhere between 16-18 hours in a 24-hour period in the first two months of their lives?!

Understanding the basic infant sleep needs and how to create a solid sleep foundation will help them be an amazing sleeper for months and years to come. Your newborn can have amazing naps and night sleep by instilling a solid foundation, routine and consistency!

I am here to help make that dream a reality.

How It Works


Download your Baby Newborn Ebook and learn from anywhere! 


Learn all about the healthy sleep foundations, your little ones cues, wake windows, routines and more!


Apply all the knowledge you have learned to help your baby become an amazing sleeper from the start!

i can help because i've been there

I remember bringing the twins home from the hospital

Some of my thoughts were "How will I survive?" and "Will I ever sleep again?" and to simply answer both of those - YES!

Understanding newborn sleep needs has allowed my twins to be amazing sleepers.

And I know how to help.

“Honestly, this newborn guide has helped me understanding my twins sleep so much.”

- Samantha

How does this sound?

the results you're going to get:


Infant sleep needs that will equip you with a foundation for months to come.


Understand the tools and tips to create a healthy sleep foundations .


Understand your baby's sleepy cues and feeding cues.


Knowledge on how to soothe your baby without introducing habits that can be hard to break later.


Sample routines, schedules and goals for babies up to 16 weeks.


“Our twins were falling asleep by themselves in their cribs.”

I am so thankful to Iryna for helping our twins with their sleep. Iryna was so caring, helpful and supportive throughout the whole process. She was always available to answer my questions. Prior to reaching out to Iryna our twins needed their bouncer, bottle, pacifier and lovey to fall asleep. Within the first few days into the program our twins were falling asleep by themselves in their cribs. I never thought it was possible for our twins to be good sleepers. I cannot thank Iryna enough! 

- Angelika

shaina finally had some free time again

“Working with Blaire was one of the best decisions I've made in my business. It's literally been game-changing.”

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Next Case Study 

Is This Right For You?

You are pregnant or have a baby that is between 0 - 16 WEEKS OLD

You are struggling to understand your baby's sleep needs 

You cannot get your baby to sleep anywhere but the stroller or on you

You can't seem to figure out why your baby is sleeping all day and partying all night

You still want to snuggle and hold your baby while creating healthy sleep foundations

is that a yes?

Get the E-Book Now

The Ebook is your perfect tool for newborn sleep. Each section contains easy to apply education that you can always refer back to. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about newborn sleep. 

Buy Now


frequently asked

No, the newborn guide is not sleep training. Newborn are not developmentally ready to be sleep trained. This guide will however allow you to learn about newborn sleep, how to create healthy sleep foundations, the ideal sleep environment, daytime sleep, nighttime sleep and so much more!

100%! Regardless if your baby is breastfed, bottle fed or the combination of the two, you will still learn a lot about your newborns sleep. If you are however struggling with breastfeeding, I recommend reaching out to your local Lactation Consultant! 

Babies under 12 weeks are often not capable of sleeping 12 hours. This is not a sleep training program but a guide to help start establishing healthy sleep foundations! Lean all about your baby's cues, establishing bedtime routine, how to navigate naps and more!

As a twin mom myself, I know how hard it can be to find a dedicated section just on twins and not a line or two, so we have included a section specifically on twins to help you start creating healthy sleep foundations from the minute you bring them home from the hospital!

This guide will provide you with a routine and wake windows! We also create sample schedules for your baby to follow but they shouldn't be followed to the T.  You have to be very flexible with your newborn as they are too young to be on a rigid schedule. 


Newborn Sleep EBook



THE ebook

Ready to Begin?

Yes! I need to learn about newborn sleep

“A sleeping baby is the new happy hour”


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