
10 Best Amazon Toddler and Baby Must Haves: From a Twin Mama

March 1, 2024

I’m Iryna.
Wife, Twin Mom & Runner! I am a busy mom chasing my twins around and in my free time, I love me some good target trips or some self care. Let's be friends!
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The twins will be 3 soon (and it honestly feels like I just brought them home from the hospital) so today we will be chatting about my favorite toddler and baby must haves on Amazon. I’ve used all of these products with the twins and these are some of my favorites that I’ve purchased or re-purchased throughout the years. 

So let’s dive in. 

Toddler and Baby Must Haves on Amazon

Play mat 

We still use this play mat with the twins. Initially I bought only one which comes with 6 tiles. We actually ended up adding one more when the twins started sitting up, crawling and walking. It helped me feel a little less stressed since it’s soft and if they fell, the impact wouldn’t be as bad compared to falling on the hardwood floor. 

Some of my favorite features about this play mat are:

  • The beautiful colors to choose from! It really pairs well with home decor especially if you are going to have it in the living room like us
  • It’s non – toxic and free of PVC, BPA, Phthalates 
  • 100% waterproof. Simply wipe with a cleaner. We love using this one as it’s also non-toxic which is great since the kids spend a lot of time on it 
  • Anti-Slip design – so it actually stays in place. 

Each square is 2 x 2 feet, when assembled it is 4 feet by 6 feet. My highly recommended baby item! 

Yay! Mats

Teething drops 

If you have a baby who’s teething, these drops will be your lifesaver. I used them every single time with my twins and it helped them so much.

The drops are also homeopathic and can be used as early as 1 month. We started using these around 4-5 months when the twins started to teeth or at least what I thought was teething. They both cut their first tooth pretty late. A baby must have!!!

baby must haves amazon

A Baby Must Have: Genexa Medication 

Having a sick baby is probably one of the hardest parts of motherhood not to mention twins being sick at the same time. My pediatrician recommended infant tylenol however anytime I would try to offer it to my twins, they would projectile vomit. I also read that giving babies tylenol is actually not recommended. 

I gave my twins this medication and once they reached 2, I discovered Genexa. I am not kidding when I say this stuff works like magic. Anytime my twins come down with something or have a fever, I give them the appropriate dosage and literally 2 hours later, they are like brand new kids. The medicine is also CLEAN which I absolutely love!! 

It is free of:

  • Dyes
  • Artificial sweeteners 
  • Artificial preservatives 
  • Artificial flavors 
  • Artificial fillers

Recently I discovered they also make an infant version which I wish I knew about earlier. Definitely a must have in your medicine cabinet and one of my baby must haves on Amazon!

Blackout curtains 

If you have followed me for some time on Instagram, then you know my passion for baby sleep! I even became a certified pediatric sleep consultant as a result and these blackout curtains are a must have in your nursery. 

A baby sleeps much better when the room is completely dark. Think caveman dark. A good way to test if your room is dark enough is by doing the hand test. Simply turn off the lights, let your eyes adjust to the room and put out your hand in front of you. If you can see your hand, the room isn’t dark enough.

I would recommend using these starting around 4 months. We have only recently removed ours because the curtains we have do block light but the room isn’t pitch black. But since the twins have a very strong sleep foundation, they sleep well with or without these. 

They have little suction cups which makes it very easy to put them up and they are also great for traveling. A baby must have!

OXO travel potty

If you are in your potty training era, then this travel potty will be your best friend. I bring this travel potty with me everywhere especially if I know I am going somewhere where there may be no access to public restrooms. 

This has truly saved me from many accidents and is definitely my top recommendation for a toddler that’s in the phase of potty training and even a few months after. A toddler must have!

Straw Cups 

This is one of my best sellers to this day. I started using these straw bottles with the twins around 10ish months. We were using different bottles before but those weren’t working out for us until we found these. 

The twins love them and they still use them to this day (now only just for their milk) but when they were younger I offered both water and milk in these bottles and they worked wonderfully for us. 

I love that they are completely spill proof. These bottles have taken a few too many beatings in the past 2 years and we still have the same ones. You will have to switch the top part of the straw every 3 months or so. They sell special replacement parts for that so you don’t have to buy the bottle again. 

I cannot recommend these enough!

best amazon baby products, grosmimi straw bottles, must buy amazon products

Twin Side by Side Stroller

Bibs baby pacifier 

These were the twins favorite pacifiers. The only ones we used and worked really well for us. 

We used pacifiers up until around 12 months. We got rid of pacifiers by the twins literally throwing them in the garbage can on their own. I told them that these are “kaka” and let’s throw them out and they did, which I was totally surprised about since one of them was really attached to his pacifier. 

Bath Supports

I found these on amazon and they were the best! It allowed me to bathe both of the twins at the same once they got a little older which was an absolute game changer. We started using these around 6 months once the twin were able to sit up (supported) and discontinued using them around 12 months once they started pulling up and trying to get out if the bath seat. A baby must have!

All my favorite bath supports are linked here

Baby Formula Dispenser 

When the twins were born, I was really struggling with milk production and getting them to latch. I tried countless of times but to be honest, it was way too overwhelming for me especially with newborn twins. So I pumped and bottle fed but since I wasn’t producing enough, I had to supplement with formula. 

The times we went out with the twins, I loved this baby formula dispenser! It was perfect for making their bottles on the go since the formula I used didn’t come in a tin can so this was extremely useful. It does come with a little spoon but I used the one my formula provided to ensure correct measurement. 

must buy amazon products

Portable white noise machine 

Another baby must have! I packed one in the hospital with me too. This portable sound machine was great for the newborn stage. We used it daily, it came with us everywhere we went. On walks, to the pediatrician office, car rides. I would also have it next to them when they were taking naps. 

Babies sleep a lot better with a sound machine because it mimics the sound they heard in the womb making it very soothing for them. I highly recommend one.

best amazon baby products, baby must haves

Be sure to bookmark this round up of toddler and baby must haves on Amazon.

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