I started sharing my fitness routine and losing weight postpartum on Instagram (even though I am now 2 years postpartum). When sharing my journey, I started to get more and more questions about it so I want to dedicate a blog post. With my twin pregnancy I gained over 50 lbs. I remember the nurse putting me on the scale and I was over 195 lbs and I told them I no longer want to know my exact weight. LOL.
At the end of the day what mattered to me most was healthy babies and a healthy mama. I think there’s a lot of pressure in today’s society to “bounce back” or to immediately lose the baby weight once you are cleared by the doctor but that wasn’t the case for me. Every single body is different. Some look like they were never pregnant and others struggle to lose the baby weight. Don’t be too hard on yourself, you are doing the best you can.
I gave birth to my twins in March 2021. I lost some of the weight quickly as expected but then I got to a point where nothing was coming off anymore. It’s like I was stuck between 155 and 165 pounds. Before being pregnant with twins, I started working out (probably for a month), and then COVID hit and everything shut down. I stopped. But I remember how good it made me feel when I WAS working out.
How I Got Started Running
So once 2023 came around, I set a personal goal for myself and that was to work out at least 4 times a week. I marked it on the calendar. Days went by and I kept saying “oh I need to work out” but I never actually did. I am sure you can relate. Then I realized it was almost the end of January and I didn’t do a single workout.
So I said to my husband, I am going to try running. Mind you, I NEVER ran in my life. My friends still make fun of me for not having proper sneakers when I was in college. I laugh at that too now.
January 29th 2023
So I decided I’d give this running thing a try. It was January 29, 2023. I remember that day. It was cold and I was out of breath. I remember asking myself “How will I do this?! I can’t even run a full minute”. But I was committed. I wanted to prove to myself I can do it. I signed up for the RunKeeper app which has 5k, 10k, and other training plans to help you keep going and stay motivated.
It is exactly what I needed. I had a coach in my ear telling me exactly what to do. When to stop. She pushed me along the way and soon 1 minute of running turned into 2 minutes of running and so on. I remember when I ran my first 5K. I cried after that run. Now I know what you may be thinking – why? it’s just a run, why is she crying?! But to me, it wasn’t just a run. It was a moment where I realized, I can do this and the feeling of completing that run is something I cannot describe.
I ran my first 10k a few days back! 6.2 miles without a single stop in 1 hour and 14 mins. I still can’t believe I DID THAT.
How I kept Showing Up
I think the biggest thing that helped me stay consistent is having a routine and having my husband do the same runs as me. I wrote down what my running days were – 3 days a week. Those were the days I was committed to. Doesn’t matter if it was raining or it was 20 degrees out, if it’s a running day, I went out there and made it happen. Okay, unless it’s a blizzard out or it’s down-pouring since I usually do most of my runs outside. My husband and I also kept each other motivated and kept each other going!
We can constantly make up excuses as to why we SHOULDN’T go out and make that run happen but I changed my thinking. Instead of saying I have to go run or this run is going to suck, I tell myself: “I get to run today”, “I get to better my health for my kids, my family, and myself”, “I get 30 minutes of self-care today”. This change in mentality quickly made my runs enjoyable. But trust me, some runs are still challenging and I am still thinking like wow this is hard, I’m tired, or that this run sucks.
Taking care of twins is hard work. There are some days when I ask myself how?! How am I doing this right now?! I need a break. But I truly believe that running has helped me so much mentally when it comes to taking care of my kids. I am so much less stressed around them and I feel like I have the “me” time we often lose in motherhood.
What I do on non-running days
On the days I don’t run, I either go to my work gym or ride my peloton (which I recently got actually), or do strength training. The other 2 days I use as my rest days and on those days I try to at least get an hour walk in as my active time. I love taking my twins out for walks so it’s really easy for me to fit them in.
My Work Out Routine for Weight Loss:
Sunday – Run
Monday – Rest / 1 Hour Walk
Tuesday – Gym / Strength Training
Wednesday- Run
Thursday- Gym / Strength Training
Friday – Run
Saturday- Rest / 1 Hour Walk
5K and 10K Running Journey
I documented some of my 5K training on Instagram so I want to share some of my highlights: 5K Training and 10K Training
Answering some of your most asked questions!
Did your diet change? / What do eat in a day?
One of my other goals for 2023 was to cook more at home and do less takeout which nicely compliments my fitness journey. I don’t really limit what I eat but I try to have more protein, lean meats, good carbs, soups, and salads. Our bodies need different things and what may work for me, may not work for you.
I try not to eat past 6/7 and I limited my alcohol intake. Occasionally I still have Chipotle (which is my favorite btw) but in moderation! My husband and I try to have a home-cooked meal, especially on weekdays.
Favorite running attire?
OMG anything Lululemon! Seriously, it’s probably one of the biggest reasons I work out – because of Lululemon! I just love their things and I find my workouts more enjoyable as silly as it sounds! Their things make me look better and make my workout also better! Some of my favorite items for spring and summer are:
- Leggings – Fast and Free High-Rise Tight 25″
- Long Sleeve Shirt – Swiftly Tech Long-Sleeve Shirt 2.0 and Swiftly Tech Long-Sleeve Shirt 2.0 Race Length
- Running Vest – Push Your Pace Vest
- Short Sleeve Shirt – Swiftly Tech Short-Sleeve Shirt 2.0
- Shorts – Hotty Hot High-Rise Lined Short 4″
- Sports Bra – Energy Bra Medium Support
During winter months, I used this running jacket, which I highly recommend!
I also really love these shorts for running from Target!
What running shoes do you use?
My current favorites are these but I also really like these as well! I love them and use them for all my runs! I ran my 10K in them as well! One thing I would 100% recommend is investing in running shoes. My husband told me this was a must so I don’t injure myself and let me tell you for someone who never ran in her life before this, shoes make the biggest difference in your runs.

What running app do you use?
I use the RunKeeper app for all my runs. The 5k and 10k are guided programs with a coach in your ear for the entire run. This honestly was probably the most motivating thing about my runs! Coach Erin kept me going! They also have half marathon and marathon training plans. These are developed based on your personal goals and timeline.
Where do you fit it in with the twins’ schedule?
Most of the time, I try to work out while they are napping or after they go to bed for the night. I really work around my schedule to make the workouts work. I work a corporate job and I go into the office 2 days a week so on those days that is usually when I am going to the gym (work gym) and do strength training. When I first started running, I was running first thing in the morning for some of the runs but quickly realized my body wasn’t doing well with that. So I usually try to run while the twins nap if I have someone to watch them or I run after my husband gets home from work.
How much time per day do you spend working out?
My longest workout was 1 hour and 14 minutes and that was when I did the 10K Run! Otherwise, I usually try to do anything between 30 and 60 mins. Training now for the half marathon, some of my runs may be long so I will have to strategically plan them in my day.
How long after c-section I should start exercising and fitness routine?
First get cleared by your doctor that it is okay for you to start working out. Once you are cleared, it is totally up to you, I started almost 2 years after having my twins. Do I wish I started sooner? Yes but happy I started now!
How to get rid of the stubborn c-section belly?
Probably the most asked question and honestly for me it only happened once I committed to working out consistently. If anyone has another tip, be sure to leave it in the comments!
What would you say contributed to your weight loss the most?
I would say running. That was one of the main forms of exercise I did in the last 3 months. In the past few weeks, I started to incorporate more strength training. Another thing is also probably the extreme cutback on alcohol and takeout. I rarely do takeout and if I do it’s only like 1 day on the weekend so I think cooking at home played a big factor as well.
Workouts post c-section / where do I start?
So I am no professional at this so my best advice would be to do what is most comfortable for you. You do not have to go out and start running, you can ease into it by going out for a walk! Walking is one of the most underrated types of exercise but so easy to do. You can also do Yoga, Barre, and cycling to name a few but you can definitely find loads of exercises that are for postpartum on YouTube!
On a final note
I hope you found this post helpful! Prioritizing my health has been one of the best things I have done for myself and it has made my life so much better. If you feel like you need an accountability body, hey reach out to me! I am always looking to connect and embark on this journey together. We can be each other’s biggest cheerleaders!
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